Saturday, June 24, 2006

Two Nights Ago

never heard of you. don't talk to me. pretty much the things i said to somebody. i hurt someone. way different than before. maybe i hated too much. i must forgive. eew

two nights ago i got the time of my life. spent like two or three hours with that person and it really got me on highs. druggy you might consider but the hell

my body clock is all messed up. i mean its typical of me to be dripping saliva all over my bed for almost half the day but now i always seem to stand up automatically after five or less hours of sleep

dammit i stepped on someone's(not the same person on the first part) pride last night. to badmouth people is just nothing to me but now i realize it really is bad. duh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

walay tagboard so dri nlang ko magtag ^_^. stig au imo blog migooo dooo...